Breogán´s Lighthouse. An Anthology Of Galician Literature

Raúl De Toro

Breogan's Lighthouse: An Anthology of Galician Literature Lesser Used Languages of Europe Series Volume Three Edited by Antonio Raul de Toro Santos With A Short Introduction to Galician Literature by Luciano Rodriguez Gomez and an essay, The Galician Language: An Unfinished Task, by Manuel Gonzalez Gonzalez Breogan's Lighthouse is a comprehensive collection of nearly 300 texts in Galician, the language of the north-west of the Iberian peninsula, accompanied by new translations into English. From the flourishing literature of the Medieval period, including the Cantigas de amor, the Gantigas de amigo and the Cantigas de escarnho e maldizer, through the period of marginalisation between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries - the Dark Centuries - Breogdns Lighthouse follows Galician literature to its recovery in the nineteenth century with selections from A Gaita Gallega (The Galician Pipes), the seminal collection of Xoan Manuel Pintos, and the works of Rosalia de Castro (Gantares Gallegos), Eduardo Pondal, Manuel Curros Enrfquez and others. The anthology includes prose by Ramon Otero Pedrayo, Vicente Risco, Alfonso D. Rodrfguez Castelao and Rafael Dieste from the No's period, and writings of exile after the Spanish Civil War, when the Galician language and literature were erased at the stroke of the pen. Most importantly, Breogan's Lighthouse includes many writings from the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries when the Galician language and literature acquired a new confidence.