Mann, Gali

Magali Widmer AKA Gali Mann is the product of emigrants to Spain, moreover, she herself, as a teenager, became an emigrant of America, only to become a citizen…    Her father, Cuban, because of her grandfather’s involvement with the government that Castro overthrew, was forced out of his country at a very young age, who then migrated to the Balearic Island, of Ibiza. Her mother, who is from Germany, migrated to Spain based upon her ideology for which she was reared and did not believe in, needed to find her own way. They may have not been in love at the time, but they fucked and created me. —Tina Turner’s, What’s Love Got to Do with It? (ME)—.   While my father was reserved, my mother, was a positional hippy. And what do I mean by that? She believed in free love, life, sex and all things that are spiritually free. However, she limited her free hippy experience to my sister, and I. Those were my first blessings of life, my mother and father.   Now, to my husband, he is a hodge podge of a motherfucker, that has things to say, and I wrote them down. Articulate, intelligent, but debonair. I now realize, I married the goddam devil.    But what can I say, I’m in love with the devil.   As my husband would say, fuck the words you say, be the words you are.   In order to deal with my husband, I have to show that motherfucker, how primitive Gali Mann can be. And that’s why I have that motherfucker living in Gali Mann’s cave.    Galititi rules.